Nasty Integrities (got 'em slightly used for $25 each, couldn't pass them up) were worn enough to finally replace. Based upon Justin's recommendation I went with the Continental ProContact ECOs. Had Tire Rack ship to a local independent repair shop with a great reputation that I had not used before but that offer a discount for my company. I had them take a look at the brakes, still original at 121,000+ miles, and check and adjust alignment. No comment yet on the tires...they roll, the car goes, but too soon to make any judgement about FE or handling or traction. The shop did call and ask if I wanted them filled with $40 I not so politely declined! (Ok, I laughed out loud at the guy) Unfortunately they didn't take formal measurements of the brakes, just eye balled them. Apparently if they look fine they don't measure or do a formal system check...and they looked fine. Still on my original brakes. :cheer2: Finally, the alignment of one of the front wheels was off 2 degrees out of spec and that was adjusted. My rear axles were in spec...thanks to a now 5 or 6 year old shim that Galaxee's DH put in for me using the eye-ball calibration method!! Hopefully this will last beyond the arrival of my Tesla in August or Sept.
if you would, try to post your results, feelings, etc of your new tires here. I started this thread to help isolate some information.
Will do Mike...shoot me a reminder in a week or so if I forget. Forgot to mention above...When they hooked up to my OBD II port to reset the zero point and torque sensor they managed to reset my ODO A & B as well as my tank MPG/distance. They also turned the reverse beep back on somehow. I suspect it was just inadvertant that it reset stuff to default, but a bit annoying.
Hope the new tires work out well. Did they charge you $28 for the 70% nitrogen mix they put in the tires???