My 2007 has never had the rear brakes checked, so I called to make an appt. For $111 they inspect the brakes, boots, linkage, CV boots, ball joints, drive shaft bolts, belts, hoses and fluids. The dealership said I should also have a throttle body cleaning @ $60 and a coolant service @ $90. I read here that some do their own throttle body cleaning, so $60 seems wasteful, but I'd need some instructions on how to do it myself, if someone is willing to detail it for me please. Is the coolant service @ $90 something I should have them do? thanks-
There are two coolant loops in a Prius. I doubt that $90 covers both of them. They were due to be refreshed at 100k miles. JeffD
$60 for a throttle body service seems reasonable if you have no mechanical knowledge. It takes about 20 minutes to do, and the throttle body is likely to be dirty at 110k. However, I am not sure that you will notice any performance improvement from having this done. At 110k you should also have the transaxle fluid replaced.
The throttle body service is foremost a preventative against the plate getting stuck in the gummy carbon stuff from the PCV that coats the bore. It is a good idea at 100K. They should also include a MAF sensor cleaning in the price. Now, you could see if they would combine these with spark plug replacement. That whole service is 1 hour or less of labor and should around $200. Both coolants and transaxle fluid should be changed. Rear brake service, well, if they aren't making any noise, let sleeping dogs lie.