Good point. I have a cat, so maybe I can post a photo. I don't think I have any Red Xs. Do you know where I can get some? Tom
I was wondering about that myself. There was one member on another forum I follow who became the resident 'greeter'. 'Greetings and Welcome to____' and the like. In approximately 3 months the post count got past 5,000 posts. Someone asked what was behind all the post count boosting and the response was that they were a receptionist and they were bored.... In any event, congrats on the 17th post to qbee....
I take it that rock climbing pic of yours was taken before you joined PC given that you have not had the time to leave the computer since then Congrats Tom! I and many others here thank you for all the good advice and good humor you have brought to the group.
Thanks everyone. I came to this forum for information about the Prius, but ended up staying for the stories about sheep. Pat, especially, seems very knowledgeable about sheep. Tom