As you all know I picked up my Silver #7 last Saturday, and a love affair was reignited between a man and his car As of yesterday night, through the kind assistance of those on this BB I paired with my car - that is my Treo 650 and my Prius are now one - consumating this relationship B) Last night with 5 bars remaining on my fuel guage I filled her up - I was gentle, I was kind and considerate too And no I don't smoke and as of yet neither does she I[t] was fully inserted and pumping slowly - that is the gas nozzle :lol: I went till the first click and then I stopped - I did not want to push it beyond that - this being our first time. I put it back in the holder, closed the cap and drove away. 5.695 gallons! I was never so satisfied B) Question to all you veterans... Do you continue to fill the tank after the nozzle clicks off the first time? And if you don't, how do you know when to stop. Hope you all enjoyed this. Thanks to all of you again. David
Congrats! Several stop at the first click. Some try, after the first click, to round up to the nearest dollar, no matter how many clicks. I generally round up to the nearest quarter for ease of change.
Welcome! Glad you're enjoying your newly consumated relations with your Prius! Ordinarily, I fill to the first 'click' and stop. The only reason I would continue is if I'm on one-pip and only 2 gallons or something else unreasonable is allowed in. In that circumstance, I burp my baby Rhino and try again. Often, that's enough to finish her off... Welcome to the Prius and enjoy!
i don't push it more than one or two clicks, usually just up to the next round number. DH told me not to put too much more in, in case it fills up the filler neck and gets gas in the evap control system and between the bladder and the metal tank.
LMAO, sounds like one of those skin flick novels. I normally takes her and fill her till it just starts to dribble out then I know shes full to the brimm. The gas staions say this is wasting gas.. I dont see it but im just the dumb pumper at the filler tube.. :lol: P.S. I wait till the gauge read 2 bars before filling, I can get 8.5 gallons. If I wat till the flashing light I can get 11.4 gallons
Wasn't there a post here not long ago talking about the activated carbon filter that helps control fumes and how overfilling the tank can damage that? I've been searching and can't find it now.
Either I'm really lucky, or the canister damage takes at least 50 or 60,000 miles to kick in. I've topped off for over 42,000 miles now, and no sign of trouble. I realize there are people ready to go "Ah HAH!!" if I ever do report something wrong with my fuel system, but they'll just have to hold it in for a while longer...
I have sited the following articles before. Looks like it is time to do it again. Don't Top Off! Don't Top off your Gas Tank How Bad is it if I...
Thank You for noticing. Just trying to keep that creative writing class I took a few decades ago "fresh" if you know what I mean. David - still in search of a consensus - do you do it once (ie, click) or do you try to do it twice or more at the same time (ie, clicks)
I'm wondering what indication you are planning to see. If you saturate the evap system, you (invisibly) pollute more, much like leaving your gas cap off.
I don't know if gas pumps all over the country are like this, but at the gas stations I frequent (So Cal), the pumps have an auto-fill switch on them that you flick so you don't have to stand with the pump in your hand the entire time. I always flick the switch, but stand next to it while the car fuels up. Once the pump clicks off, I wait the standard 3-5 seconds before removing the nozzle from the fuel tank (to prevent leakage/drippage). I'd rather risk having less than an absolute full tank than risk dripping gasoline all over my car and onto the ground, thus adding to pollution in the process.
Yikes? I say more power to 'em. Cut out the middleman. Credit card companies take way too much of our money. And what do they do with it? Send us more junk mail.
Huh? I won't use a credit card that doesn't give me money in return. I *make* money when I buy on credit cards. Of course I never carry a balance. I paid $12,000 on credit cards to buy my Prius, and will get at least $120 back from the credit card companies for that pleasure. So... what they're doing with my money is allowing me to save more of it.
yep i look forward to the nice refund once a year- usually in the hundred dollar range- we get a flat 1% back. and i insist on not paying interest. either it's paid off at the end of the month or i call and request a few months of zero percent to bide my time on the big things (ahem, DH's camry rebuild). they've always obliged so far, when i mention how easy it would be to transfer the balance to another company.
In terms of vapor recovery ... what happens when the fuel trucks come to fill the *station's* underground tanks? Where does that huge volume of vapor displaced go? They sure as hell don't have bladders. . _H*
I was with you all the way until you got to 1% reward. Who in their right minds is satisfied with a measly 1% ?!? BTW, congrats on putting 12K of the purchase price on a card(s). That is a rare feat.
Yes, that's why I still use a credit card. 'because I'm selfish. But when other people use them, I don't get any money back. The gas station has to pay the Credit Card company like 5% and therefore has to raise their prices.
Pretty slick, eh? I was amazed, and was glad to have had two cards with me at the time. $6k per card was the max. The last time I bought a vehicle at the same place, it was $3k total on a card.