My 09 Touring package 6 was scheduled for 9/22 delivery to dealer. I was informed that the car has a hold on it in Jacksonville Florida because there are no 17" wheels available. I didn't really want a package 6 but accepted it because it cut 8 weeks off my wait time and I missed the 17" wheel option since this was all done via fax. The salesman says he might be able to get it here on the 22nd if I take the 16" wheels that come standard on the touring. My question... since the 16" wheels take about 2 mpgs away, does anyone know how much of an MPG redcution the toyota 17" wheels cause. Also, does anyone have photos of the 17" wheels. Thanks
17" wheels aren't an option for the Prius. That is the local dealer or regional distributor using Matrix wheels. They will give you a pretty big hit mileage wise. The 16" wheels give a 5-10% hit. The 17" would be about 15-20%, based on some postings here from those adding aftermarket wheels. Go to Toyota Cars, Trucks, SUVs & Accessories for the real info. - that's where I checked out your story.
Does anyone actually research a car before they buy it? Or do people just accept the BS that dealerships spew forth as the truth? It is frustrating to read threads where someone believes 17" wheels are a factory option. The touring wheel is a 16" wheel. To think for one second that the factory ran out of any wheels for the car is just inconceivable.
I understand your dismay, but many people come to this board for clarification and answers. I think helping people is better than becoming frustrated with them.
You know what else is frustrating to read? When someone asks a friendly question and some jerk jumps on them for it. Nice post. nice person. Develop some common courtesy for chrissake.
Skipping all the namecalling .... Just keep in mind that bigger wheels usually mean less MPGs. Unless the 17s are really light (with tires mounted), you might take a mileage hit. If its looks or handling you are after, OK, but probably fewer mpgs. I went from standard 185s to 205s on stock 15 inch rims, and lost 5 mpgs or so. Your mileage may vary ...
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Thanks for the constructive info... please let's not descend into flaming or name calling. It's rarely worth making an effort to have a bad day. My thread title is indeed incorrect. I am aware that they aren't "factory" wheels as I incorrectly stated. They are the wheels that Toyota South East sells as an option and are listed as "17"EFPC Wheel w/Pirelli Tires" for $1749.00. I made the first post when I was pressed for time. I also focused on the final price on the faxed contract and the wheel option line was nearly chopped off on the last page of the fax from the dealer... so I over looked it. I was trying to make sure that there were no added charges for imaginary widgets. After some more research, I opted to remove the offending wheels and hope that no one's feathers are so ruffled as to be a permanent mess.:fencing:[/FONT]
You lost 5 mpgs just for getting larger tires on the stock rims? Are they that much heavier? I'm rethinking whether I'll get custom rims if the loss can be that high. (I realize I can get lighter custom rims, but maybe the mileage will still vary ...)
Try to ignore folks that can only put others down. I started reading this forum to educate myself b/f buying my Pri. Several times I have been treated as you have,thus I rarely log in anymore. Funny thing is, I belong to a Mercedes forum,folks there are much nicer overall. Always willing to help,not what you would expect. One would think the two forums would be reversed,go figure!
Why not come up here and say that to my face? I did not use names or call anyone a jerk or nice person. I simply asked a question. Is it my fault the OP titled the thread incorrectly? So before you open your mouth on the safe internet, pretend you are looking me in the eyes, knowing I could reach right out and touch you, then form your thought, if you are able. I am going to bet you would not be calling me an nice person or a jerk in person (unless you brought all of your friends with you). Oh and I let my little dog (look left) take care of my light work- I am sure she would be able to handle you. Oh no he didn't.......
Please, this isn't the place for vitriol and threats. I hope the moderators don't allow things to get out of hand on this board. Keep in mind that threats over the internet are against federal law. It's not worth it just for a misunderstanding or a harsh statement or two.
I agree. Unfortunately, some people use these forums to re-visit their bully years. Example: nice person from previous posts. I choose to ignore the jerks, unfortunately, I get a little miffed when they jump on other members for legit questions. If they have nothing positive to add they should just shut it.
LOL. I apologize if it wasn't my place as a newbie to say anything. Usually I wouldn't have. But ... I was on another forum not long ago (which will remain unnamed) for my other car and watched as a similar discourse degenerated into one of the worst things I've ever read on the net. I wouldn't have been surprised if one of the parties actually drove to slaughter the other guy, because it's just too easy to escalate the tension behind a computer screen. After that day I signed off the forum for good -- made me feel like I was in danger like I had stumbled into a bad part of town and had to run to the nearest exit (and I wasn't even involved in the "discussion"). On top of that the moderators didn't seem to care, so ... that was my experience with the Wild West!
Okay.. now you all got me wondering. Everyone says a 17" wheel will take a larger mileage hit than the 16", but you do not say why. Is it because of the increased weight? Also, consider that a larger wheel will increase the available torque on the road, thereby giving you an improvement in acceleration performance - and reduce the overall engine rpm. So, with the reduced engine rpm, I believe the disadvantage to the extra weight is negated. Any thoughts?
Just a little information for those new to this (to break up the other stuff ). In general, if you increase the traction to the road, you will increase rolling friction, and that will have an impact on mileage. The exception is if you increase traction but also reduce the tire rolling resistance. For example, the Nokian WR tire increases traction by quite a bit, but is a "low rolling resistance" tire. There is no noticeable mileage hit from installing these tires. I installed the stock 15" size. When you install a "larger" tire (205 instead of 185, for example), you get a double hit. The tire is physically wider, so it pushes more air. The contact patch is also larger so you get higher rolling resistance. If you are comparing to a stock size low rolling resistance tire, it will still be worse. It -may- not be worse if the larger tire is low rolling resistance compared to a stock size non-low rolling resistance tire. But now we're complicating things. Usually a large wheel is heavier. A heavier wheel WILL cause you to loose energy, but only when you have to accelerate it. Which is what a car does all the time. You loose the energy because you will have to eventually slow down -before- you hit whatever is in front of you. In the Prius, you can recapture about 50% of this energy that is usually lost. But you still loose some. Note that weight carried in the car has less effect on this than the weight in the wheel, due to the extra energy required to spin it up (and de-spin it). Now, IF you purchased a larger wheel that was lighter, such as a Volk Racing eco series, then you -may- not get a mileage hit, depending on the distribution of the weight on the rim (if most of it is at the outside, then you may end up with the same kinetic energy in the rotating wheel, which would give you the same mileage hit). It's all pretty basic physics.
Yeah, the BFG G-force Sports are 5 lbs heavier per tire than the OEM Goodyears. I have less than 1000 miles on the new tires, but my last two tanks have been in the 42-44 mpg range where I was gettting an easy 49-50 before. Same drive, 99% freeway, same TP (40/38). I expected 2-3 mpgs less, and hope after they wear in, it will improve. The change in ride and handling was worth it (almost!). The OEMs lasted over 68,000, so I may have these tires awhile...lots of lost mpgs. This was not a totally uninformed choice. I have the same tires except 205-55r16 on my Subaru, and love them, so I decided to go for it. $77 at America's Tire, somewhat less than the Integrities, but light years ahead in road feel, handling (wet and dry), but heavier and less mpg friendly.