Due to HOV carpool lanes expiring June 2011 and my wife's Rover lease being up, we bought a Honda GX ($300 below invoice and 0.9% financing). The process to get my HOV stickers on the prius 4+ years ago was easy and quick. So I rushed the HOV application to DMV and called to followup on the GX. DMV says due to the furloughs and backlog, will take est 90 days to get my stickers. WOW!! So although I love the new GX, my wife will have to drive for another 2-3 months while I drive the prius (i need the HOV stickers for work). Anyone heard of similar response times for the DMV? If you are planning to swap cars due to HOV lanes, please note this 3+ month administrative situation. PRO: $4000 tax credit, greener than prius, sportier than prius, no foreign oil CON: small trunk, less luxury options, need to map out fueling stations but there are plenty, new PHIL system comes out next year so can install at home.
i feel your pain... i've thought about purchasing the Honda GX as a 2nd car so i can travel in the HOV thru 2015(?). there are many used on the market. but, like you, i don't care for the lack of luxury items and the small trunk.
I am also pondering getting the Honda Civic GX for the white carpool sticker but I am getting conflicting information about the turnaround time on getting the white sticker. A place that is selling a used GX said 2 to 4 weeks. A friend of a friend who works at the DMV said two years. You have now introduced a 3 date range for me to consider. I would love to belive that it is closer to your range, WHO did you contact to get your answer?
Contacted the registration department at the DMV. Yes, normally 2-4 weeks, but huge backlog due to the furlough. Funny, they sent me my registration and license plates in a few weeks, so their excuse with the HOV sticker doesnt make sense.