I've been searching the site for a couple of hours and am thoroughly confused. While I've had Sirius Starbase installed in my '05 for almost four years, it's just about given up the ghost. Keeps cutting out and stating acquiring signal but never finds one in spite of the signal meter showing strong levels. Googled that problem without a solution. As there now seem to be several integrated solutions, I'd rather go that route if the Starbase can't be remedied. I have the JBL w/ nav and would be appreciative of some direction. Thanks and happy new year. John
I have been happy buying a Solara unit and a terc mini antenna. Only disadvantage is the 10 character limit. See: http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-electronics/8373-solara-sirus-radio-install-in-prius.html
I second the Terk device. Mine's hooked up to XM though (not that it makes much difference anymore). The equipment is all hidden and works great!
Thanks for the suggestions. For what it's worth, I went with the Sirius SC-C1 and Toy-SC1 solution. Ordered last evening from Amazon and hope to receive and install this week. Supposedly 16 characters on the output. My Starbase served me well. Adios, old friend. Fingers crossed all goes well.