Separate names with a comma.
Did the website revert back to an older date? Below is what I am seeing... This page last reviewed April 28, 2014 As of April 7, 2014, 38,478...
Why/how did AAA handle your registration? When I purchased my new PiP from out-of-state, I wanted to go to AAA too to process the registration,...
The cameras are NOT to see how many people are your vehicle, they are just there to take a picture of your car and license plate if you are...
I also just got my federal tax rebate this past week and it was missing my $2500 tax credit. Yesterday, I got a letter from the IRS stating that...
According to lensovet's post on the previous page, maybe it is "Toyota Prius Plug-in Electric Drive Vehicle"?
Just curious if you got 3M or the other brand?
Rays Engineering ECO drive wheels (16x6) made specifically for the Prius. I wanted lightweight to maintain excellent mpg.
Sorry for the crappy quality, but here is a picture of my PiP from this morning. [IMG]
Irvine as well.
O My PiP looks very similar to yours, except my mirrors are also wrapped. I'll post a pic soon. :)
Are you sure your dealer didn't charge you an additional fee (usually for a third party company) to register the car for you?
I actually do NOT like the plug-in accents (ie silver front bumper trim, door handles, rear hatch area). I am in Irvine and am willing to trade...
Those are also offered on the Prius Five. I'm saying the OP really should be comparing the Prius Five (not the PiP base or Advanced) to the ES 300h.
Why are you comparing the PiP Advanced to a "regular" hybrid? If you want to make a fair comparison, I think you should be comparing the Prius...
AAA will only do it if it's a private sale. They will do not it if the vehicle is purchased new from a dealership.
Dup post
Yes, that is the form. Even though I printed the form out, the DMV employee already had a lot on his clipboard, so my printout wasn't needed. It...
For me, I just took the form to the regular DMV and had them fill it out. At my local CA DMV, you dont even need to wait in line. Just drive your...
Been over a week since check being cashed, but still no sticker. =(
Do this work with the base PiP (6" NAV w/ no JBL)? I think you recently got a PiP as well, so I am assuming maybe this doesn't work with it?