Separate names with a comma.
I went back another time and it was still making bad noises. Finally they found they forgot a part, which I suspected the whole time.
thanks, I’m going back . I looked under and noticed not all the bolts were put in compared to the images on the website. I’m not happy!
I just had my shield installed on my Prius C 2011 . There is a noticeable rattle now, kind of annoying but should I be concerned about the noise...
Looking to get a tilt sensor + alarm + shield for my Prius C 2011. Any idea where I can look to get one installed?
My bluetooth has stop working after I updated to IOS 10. I unpaired and paired again. It worked and the it failed again this morning. I tried to...
Thanks guys, I found out the back padding was pushed up too far. My back seat closes now!!!!!!! yay!
I'll double check after work, it's possible something is wedged between there. Thanks!
Great advice! thanks I need new tires soon.
I folded my back seat down, now it will not lock into the up position! Help anyone? I inspected the locking mechanism and it doesn't appear to...
Yikes thats scary. Mine appears fine still. I will monitor it. Thanks guys
Thanks guys, i got it patched! Ran over a rivet or something. How weird.
Should I bring it to a dealer then?
One of my tire is leaking, is it ok to use a patch kit? I have a Prius C -3. Will any of the sensors get screwed up? Thanks !
The screen is bad for sunlight period. Otherwise it's fine for my needs.
I think the navigation system is ok, only complaint is the screen is hard to see in the sunlight.
That is weird, my c-3 says, cannot read messages while in motion. I have to be at a stop sign to view the full message.
how do you gray out override?
Sorry , I have a Prius C, which does not have this feature apparently.
I drive like Driving Miss Daisy and I get 55-60. :)
My new cam just came in! Mini DVR 808 #16 V2 -Lens D Car Key Chain Micro Camera HD 720P Pocket Camcorder Overall the picture quality is awesome,...