Separate names with a comma.
11,627 miles since March 20th, calculated average so far is 51.3 mpg. This includes a 5,700 mile road trip to San Antonio, TX from Vermont the...
Generally speaking, the prevailing wind on that route is from west to east, which could be a major factor re: mpg. Do you remember what the wind...
I have been ? for the iPhone for over a month on here. Works pretty well too. For some reason, I have to hit the refresh button...
Here is a link to info about the special CNBC to Premiere Total Recall - The Toyota Story - News on News
Is it possible to rent a Prius over there? Be nice to have more than one long test drive before you make up your mind.
Hummm, that surprises me too since mine did.
Where are the chips appearing and what color is your Prius?
What you are seeing is the number of miles driven since the last time the trip meter was reset. Each time you reset it, another bar will show up...
I am not going to be content until someone on here tells us they do an oil change every time they fill up. :D J/K I am enjoying and learning a...
No cigarette lighters but two power outlets. One under the center console and the other inside the compartment under the lift up arm rest between...
If you aren't pressing down the brake when you press the power button again, it will start?
What was the speed limit?
I made the decision to go to the III also for the built-in Bluetooth with the controls on the steering wheel, but the cost from my dealer was...
Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing your posts as you learn and share what you know about the Prius.
Sure sounds like a new Prius Ad just waiting to be made. :D
"Well, if there is anything you would like to know about it, feel free to ask."
Reminds me of a military evaluation I did back in the 60's. I remember marking a couple of questions a little less than perfect. A superior...
We may be trying to help you solve a problem that doesn't need to be solved. Have you considered not taking the Prius to leave at the airport for...
Comfort and sound level are pretty subjective. We moved up from a 2001 Honda Civic, so the Prius seems luxurious and quiet to us. Why not rent...
Does it have all of the capabilities of the bluetooth that comes with the factory installed Bluetooth that comes with the III?