Separate names with a comma.
I have over 76K miles on my '12 and only had to replace a tire too. Mine got a bulge in it.
According to At Harbor Freight get an extra 25% off one item via coupon code "87472940". Plus, add the QuikFind 25-Foot Tape Measure...
The manual states that the tire warning system must be initialized when the following occurs: - When rotating tires front to rear, because front...
I'll hit 40K miles (64.4K KM) this week and I've had my Prius C2 for 11 months. :)
I have 38K miles on my Prius C2 and I haven't had a problem. Knock on wood! :)
I have the noise with the glove box empty or full. The only way the noise goes away is with the lid open.
Here's a tidbit for you: I just got back from Europe and found that gas in Copenhagen is about $10 per gallon!! I hope we never get there :(
Yep test drive
I covered the entire trunk and rear seat area on my wife's Mustang GT with Fatmat and yes there is a slight odor when installed but that was gone...
LOL That's exactly why I bought the Prius C With what I save on gas when compared to driving my Mustang I pay for my Prius C! So I got a free car!
Well I have a rather long commute to work, all the way from my home just north of Austin to work which is just north of San Antonio, so it's about...
Yes those are the stock tires.
This is what I use too and it's amazing!! It will pretty much work on any phone or other similar gadget. Plus I can point my phone anywhere and...
I have a Stebel Nautilus on my motorcycle and like the previous poster said the horn is on instantaneously there is no appreciable lag. Love my...
24.7K miles in 6 months and still going strong.
I'm at 24.7K miles since September 2012 or a little over 6 months.
Pffffttt I commute 170 miles per day
Why not just get a GOPRO or CONTOUR camera?
Get a Flash 2 Pass system. Super easy to install and you open and close the garage door by flashing your high beams. Works great! I have it on two...
I commute to work every day and its about 172 miles round trip or about 86 miles one way. I bought my Prius C2 in September and I have about 14.5K...