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How to do EGR system cleaning?
I flushed heater core (both ways) with water hose and used slimway, reconnected coolant line - still the same issue. I have a feeling its...
I did cut the Jiggle pin, now my engine stays at 195f at hwy and goes till 199 when doing high acceleration. I live in Texas and hence Jiggle pin...
Can you please explain "rerouted hoses into the heater core but bypassed the heat exchange recovery system."? I want to bypass heater core but...
I started the car, turned on high heat 85 and in 10 mins i got the error for the first time. Remember heat works on driver vent only After the...
I bought an OEM pump from the dealer and changed it myself about 1500 miles ago. Only today i got the code when i ran the heat at 85. When i...
Water pump was changed recently. Should I check wiring?
since my heat is not working properly, I had kept to High and I got p261b. But then i stopped car and reset error. Drove another 50mile with no...
Sorry for replying late. "Blend Actuator" is working (moving) when temperature is changed. Another actuator (i don't know the name) moves when...
Did you fix the problem yet? Same issue here. Blend door actuator is turning, temperature controlled actuator is turning as well. Flushed heater...
Yes I updated my profile. I live in Houston now.
Prius V
Houston TX
Planning to get an oil change at dealership. $69.99. I am not sure if they will tell me the secret without OC.
Yes, 2012 Prius V.
I have never seen reading below 197 any time of the day unless engine is Off at lights. In Hwy at 70mph, consistently I see 197.5 to 200, since I...
I am still stuck at maintenance light reset issue.
My 2012 Prius V (Wagon) runs 197.5f and above all time. Is that normal or I have air pocket? I don't have any warning, I recently changed pump...
Km button toggles okay. Button was NOT released during the process. I will Disconnect the 12v negative post for 30 seconds and reconnect this time.
I did follow the instruction correctly this time but the results are still same I wonder if there is any other method to do it. i did press for...