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I am newb . I only know driver and change tire . I misthink I find some secret .
first I try fight to smart key fob and seek help in forum. They tell check 12v battery. so I test battery in last 3 ~4 days and check 10 more...
which battery will be match my 2005 prius ? Optima Batteries YellowTop Battery ? or other cheap one ?
but only turn on IG mode ready, & prius don't move & stop in street. battery go back to 14v.
I will check tires in tomorrow . and I keep watch 12v battery, I drive on street and the battery voltage will drop to 11.4v ( I mean my prius is...
tire pressure is good , Front 35/33. oil level is good. 12v battery maybe not failing, but I use prius self check , 12v battery only got 11.4v...
total 76000 mile on my prius. I live near new york city and terrain like plain. My driving style is normal ( no rush, no hard push gas )
....... I read more and more report, they say prius can got 50 MPG in 70F ~75F. why I can not got this MPG ( only 41 MPG )? I know they...
test again: ACC / 12.7v; press break = 12.5v; light on & press break = 11.8v IG ON( not ready mode) = 12.2v ; press break = 11.7v-11.8v ; light on...
fob battery change again. but not work. smart function work (I mean ksk function ) only remote open/close/alarm dead. 12v battery test finish,...
maybe 7 year old.
1) This is not battery problem, because smart function is work. If battery dead , smart function complete dead, and I change 2 new battery. 2)...
do your prius miss this fuse ? [ATTACH]
thanks, Your assumption is right,I just think how easy to do, but google told there is 2 other fuse box in driver side, I plan unplug main 12v...
I check fuse box , it miss one fuse in fr fog fuse. [ATTACH] I try fix and check all fuse in fuse box. but I don't know how unplug 12v cable (I...