Separate names with a comma.
ecopias are awesome
I did a spreadsheet to show gas savings for 2 vehicles over a certain milage and any gas price. I punched in my savings with prius c (46mpg) vs....
I bought mine on April 28, 2012. 45k+and not any issues to date. Oil changes every 10k and tire rotations every 5k. I put ecopia tires on at...
to each his own bud, but i appreciate your opinion. tacky may apply to my whole car as far as some are concerned. the skull, the fake chrome...
Due to space limitations, I had a powered 8" sub installed under passenger seat. Sound Ordnance™ B-8PT 120-watt compact powered subwoofer...
I ran LED strips on the front of my C1. I've had a bunch of compliments. They are from Auto Zone and cost $30. I'll post day and night pics...
is that larry's brother, gary the car guy?
I had cruise added by American Radio in Atlanta. It cost $400 total l&m but well worth it imo. It uses the same control lever and all the lights...
I see that I misunderstood what B is for; thanks for clearing that up for me..learn sumthin every day ;)
Black electrical tape worked great for me... I hated that dang light.
I like to use the braking feature on the transmission shift knob for hard braking and on long slow rolls to a stoplight. Matter of fact I use it...