Separate names with a comma.
I don't remember the menu sequence to get there, but there is an option for Bluetooth autoconnect. I'm guessing you don't have this on.
It took me about 10 tries to get it to properly reccognize a dial by number the other day. I haven't used the voice recognition much because the...
I figured it out. There is an option to avoid toll roads and that was on. I think I was just mistaken when I thought it was trying to take me on...
Interesting... I'll check that.
That's exactly what I thought too. The first time I tried to use the Nav it favored much slower local roads that were slightly shorter in...
Thanks for the reply but I have checked that. And I looked at the directions it chose on the map before I left and they appeared to correctly had...
I'm getting bizarre behavior from the Nav on the Greenway and Dulles Toll Road in Northern VA. The directions look OK at the beginning but as I'm...
This information is scattered across several threads so I'm going to try to consolidate it here. I'll edit this first post as I get more...
Dension replied that they have put me on the list to be notified when they have a solution. Since the VAIS units also aren't fully functional with...
I guess I should have paid more attention to your post. I thought this only applied to '05 since people are saying that '06 can support 2 CD...
I love the subscription idea but not the reality of it which is that 75% of the music I listen to is unavailable through Yahoo/Napster. iTunes...
I don't know of anything quite as perfect as you describe but there are a couple of products that would be close when combined with appropriately...
I ordered my Prius in late September specifying a delivery as close to Jan 1 as possible. My car was at the dealership on Jan 6 with the options...
What I've read here is the the '06 allows multiple CD changers so the iceLink will work fine with the full NAV/JBL system.
I can't compare it to an '05 but I ended up with the exact same EQ settings to get the best sound in my new '06. The bass is too strong and muddy....
Actually there is no need to enable OBEX to sync the E815 with the Mac. It will work with an E815 right out of the box with OS X 10.4.2 or higher....
I swear I've searched before making all these posts. Maybe my search-fu is weak. I've already got an Dension iceLink from my prior car so I...
I searched and didn't find any success stories for pushing the contacts from a Mac into the Prius. I tried to pair the two and the Mac thinks they...
I just got my '06 Prius with all the electronic goodies. I thought I wouldn't care about address book transfer because I assumed that the Prius...
Sorry, you're right. But either way it's a reduction in your taxable income in 2005 as opposed to a tax credit in 2006.