Separate names with a comma.
Don't have a problem with the seats at all. Of course, at 5'7", I'm probably pretty easy to please. Also have taken it on trips from Ohio to NYC...
Well, I'm not privy to any inside information but no one seems to be blowing the whistle. And no one seems inclined to start any gas wars either.
I can't believe you have stations near one another with "only" 7-8 cents difference. Around here, every station in town, including the grocery...
One day I stopped at a Shell station to fill up. Since I was using my credit card, and wanted to make a purchase inside the station after the fill...
Glad to see I'm not the only non-liberal on these boards. Wholeheartedly agree with your reasoning and can't understand why more people don't see...
I have never noticed such a problem with my 2011 but now I'll be looking for it. Can't believe a simple replacement of these problem windshields...
Didn't have any problem turning the corner. Just realized how icy the road was as I tried to climb the hill. I was hoping I would reach the top...
Had a disturbing experience today. Roads were very icy this morning and I turned 90 degrees onto an old street that was paved with brick. This...
Wanted to buy the Lexus but when I tried it, it was just too small and not that impressive inside. I'm not a large guy either, i.e., 5'7". Much...