Separate names with a comma.
Or this one..... Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA ~ $ startxwin.exe /usr/bin/startxwin.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cygX11-6.dll: cann ot open...
Another info maybe usefull to trouble shoot.... Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA ~ $ cygcheck -c Cygwin Package Information Package Version Status...
I was doing some other tests,and think Iam on the same place when began.The only version of Priidash that seems to work is the vc_20111021...
Here is the xterm output; Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA ~ $ cd /cygdrive/f Owner@FRANKIEOMEGA /cygdrive/f $ ./priidash...
Thanks,but what I said is that the graphics and the control goes off from the screen.The displays shuts down and there is nothing to see,but the...
Hi 2009Prius; Remember me? Finaly,I make priidash to work,but...when execute the control or gauge meter button to GO,both of them closes.I got an...