Separate names with a comma.
Well it says 488kB, but the file size on disk is 1.8mB.
well i just downloaded it quickly to my usb drive, but the sum of the total file is only1.77mB after being zipped up. I'm not sure if this...
Posted this in the thread above, but I could try tonight when I get home. I just had my 15K inspection and they updated my Entunes to 3.1.
I could try tonight when I get home. I just had my 15K inspection and they updated my Entunes to 3.1.
The manual suggests to do so, but I think unplugging it from the wall socket everyday will add wear and tear to both the socket and the charger....
what do you mean?
whew... jumped my car from the under the hood and everything is working again. It looks like i may have left my light on. My headlight switch...
Just for clarification, what do you mean by hatch? Do you mean the trunk? Is that where one would normally jump the 12 volt battery? I just...
Is jump starting a Prius PiP the same as any normal car (Don't have the manual with me since I'm at work, but will check it out once I get home).
Mt 2012 PiP didn't start this morning nor would it charge. I was running late for work this morning so I didn't get a chance to troubleshoot yet,...
awww yea.. DMV finally cashed my check today. Sent it in on 10/13.. I haven't received my $1500 from CA yet, but they have approved it a...
Do you remember when you submitted you HOV application?
I live in sunny southern California where the temps have been in the 80's for the last month... wondering if you guys who are getting 15 miles on...
I've had the car for about a month now and feel like I'm a hypermiling whore (rolling to reds and stops; slow acceleration; try to drive 35mph;...
I just had my first fill up today and noticed I couldn't enter in the price of gas per gallon as I could on my 2012 Prius 3. Is this option hidden...
^oh man.. looks like I'm going to have to wait a bit since I submitted mine on the 10/12...
Do you get a confirmation that your application has been accepted before they mail out the sticker? I just hope I submitted everything OK. It's...
I did the same thing as you as well. I trade in my 2012 Prius 3 for a PIP and could not be more happier. It hurt a little to take the loss of the...
21 is really good considering that its only rated for 11 miles EV right? You didn't do any special mods to your car did you?
Updated my first post with some more accurate info. Looks like my commute is only 9.3 miles according to Google Maps (using all city roads) and...