Separate names with a comma.
Thanks jadziasman, I am aware of the reset you mention however I want to specifically reset the ECU associated with the leveler and not loose all...
Howdy, In the past (several times) I have successfully rebuilt the headlight Leveler on my 2004 Prius to resolve the problem of the warning light...
Howdy, Now this is interesting:
Howdy, Sales mean very little when they (GM in particular) are loosing money on each sale (net revenue to sales). I understand that they need...
Howdy, Well if you have nothing else to loose, you may want to disconnect all battery power and let the car sit for an hour or so. I would...
Howdy Folks, I'm not sure how I got honorable mention earlier in this thread, but here's my first posting in this thread... I have no idea...
Howdy, Since the car may not have had a complete check-out before you picked it up, you may want to do one your self....
Howdy, In NV if your car is stolen and the keys are in it you are held (from partially to completely) responsible for any actions the car has...
The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."
Bob, Thanks for the update!
Howdy, Are you familiar with the term “oxymoron� “Dealer Service†is on top of my oxymoron list! I have been screwed by every dealer...
Howdy, My record (so far) is three Goldens in the back of my Prius for a long trip. Now as for cats, I like'm. It's summertime; barbecues...
Hi Bob, Have you used the window defroster much since this installation? I'm wondering how the lenses will hold up to being heated... PS...
Howdy, I think it is your patriotic duty to buy a SUV from GM or Ford! You could fill the backend with boom-box speakers and have every whiz...
Howdy, I believe that the truck involved was way over its' GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) based on the trailer shown... It looks like a 1/2 ton...
No smog check in NV...
Howdy, My vote is for clean and simple.... A = 6 B = 3 D = 4
Howdy folks, In building very accurate rifles (aggregate of 10 three shot groups of .050 or less), we have been cryo treating barrels for some...
I'm in!
Tadashi, I'm also running 3Mbit DSL also and the site is very slow for me at times and never snappy. I have noticed that when I first access...