Separate names with a comma.
The word is definitely out. :(,0,2316750.story
Not having much luck here in Chicago suburbs either.
Well thanks, that's very encouraging. Sounds like our driving experiences were very similar. Although I think I've been a tad luckier where law...
Thanks, you bring up some great points. Yeah, I'll definitely be taking the "serious" version of the test drive. I've got hip and back issues...
How are the aerodynamics on these things? 'Cause if I can get myself to drive 65 on these Chicago expressways I'm gonna be dealing with an awful...
Wow! Do have to rely on any medicinal aides to get to that relaxed?:D
Yeah, I just checked Autotrader and the closest dealer that claimed to have any was 40 miles away. I'm thinking this ain't gonna be easy.:(
Thank you. I'll check those out. Didn't even think to look on Autotrader.
Great comments! Keep 'em coming.:) My confidence is growing with every post.:D We're gonna test drive it this week, if we can find one that...
Thank you both for your comments. :) Unfortunately, knowing I can save gas by driving slower and actually doing it are two vastly different...
Hi. Great forum. Lots of useful info. :) We're in the market for a new car now and possibly another one when my wife gets her license. We're...