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I had a 2005 Prius and now a 2012V.a year ago in Ontario. we were all packed up and ready to head to Florida for the winter, Battery died as...
OK now is shows @2 misfire so will put my old #4 in 2 and take new one back to Jobber....
As o2 F 150 did this due to water leaks from hood I checked very carfully. all was dry, blew out chambers lubed threads and dialect greesed plug...
I arived in Fl. a few weeks ago from Ontario.Good trip no problems. motor started to misfire while out on grocery run. scanner said mifire on #1...
I phoned them back...Read this post over the phone to him.. He called back a little later and said they checked it out futher and YES they will...
Dealership just called.. They want $660 to replace it says not in Warranty. I copyed out the report and am takeing it to them!
Car in at dealership today in Ontario. Played like they never heard of anything before, I gave them your comment. Hope they dom't have to...
My wife has been compaining about the das readout for speedo, fuel, etc, missing on and off for a while Yesterday on way home from family 2 hrs...
The manual says push the button on right hand side...doing that only changes the speedo reading not the trip or full milage on car not the fuel...
I bought my 05 a month ago and headed for Florida(From Ontario) 1470 miles I just got back and cost me $120 to come home avg mileage was 48. 30.5...
I'm new to the world of Hybirds, just bought mine yesterday, 10 taxes in. about 80 K on it.Is motor supose to run 95% of the time at low speeds...
Its a real mess on my car.. says 5.2 L per 100 klms./ yea Im in Canada