Separate names with a comma.
Finally got my car back last night. Took about 2 weeks after approval to get the part in, etc. Not sure what the delay was but they gave me a...
Not having to potentially drop $1000s has that effect :)
I checked it via the diagnostic mode and it appeared to be good according to the tests outlined in the posts I found on here. I want to say they...
Update: Just received a call from Toyota and I *AM* covered by the 10 year / 150k warranty. The rep put in a call to the service manager today at...
Spoke with Toyota this afternoon and before I could really say anything the rep. asked if my car was purchased and registered in NY. He said he's...
Thanks guys. The dealer had some sort of reference guide where it said NY models began at 2008 so there is conflicting information. I will...
I turned on my car this morning to find myself faced with a variety of colored lights, including a little red car on a black bar on my MFD. Drove...
How does the Bentley one compare to the Haynes manual?
For those of you that are paying for this out of pocket, I'd suggest calling Toyota corporate. I had both of my bulbs replaced free of charge....
Made an appointment with my dealer for tomorrow. I gave them some of the case #'s from the Priusonline thread and I printed out this thread and...
Add me to the list of people with the headlight issue. My problem is with the driver's side headlight.
I just picked my car up and it was of course still squeaking. Since the guys at the dealership narrowed down the area I decided to crawl under...
I dropped my car off at the dealer this morning to investigate a squeak in the backend. I could hear the squeak while driving and also if you get...
Would the Michelin Hydroedge still be the tire of choice for warm weather driving? I have Michelin X-Ice tires on steel wheels for winter and need...
A friend of mine recently got an 08 Tundra and he brought over his nav dvd so we could update the firmware in my 06 Prius to get rid of the "I...
You need the PTS31-53060 which is the Toyota part # for the receiver and you'll also need the fit kit which I don't have the part # at the moment...
They were pushing the lifetime subs pretty hard when I called.. no clue if they're being phased out. As for the transfer, I'll cross that bridge...
I signed up for the lifetime as well for $399. They argued with me a bit since it was OEM equipment and the $100 discount was not valid for...
That's a bummer about not using the delayed stream.. although sound quality is still really good in the car so I can't complain too much. So far...
I didn't experience the dropouts on the way home (aside from one larger overpass) so maybe it was just the satellite positions/time of...