Separate names with a comma.
I was afraid of that. There are times when I am traveling distances in the winter. I have my dog. You want to run into the rest stop and get...
Is there any way to keep the cigarette lighter sockets working without starting the car? There are times I just want to charge my phone or keep...
I use a few things. I use the dog nylon canvas over the seats to protect them from the dog. I also found this product at PetCo-- it slips over the...
I remember reading this excitedly when it was first posted. I tried to do some of the "fixes" then learned that my grey now likes the ability to...
Thanks for the feedback. I have 3k miles more to decide. Any other feedback?
I surprisingly ran through 30k miles in 15 months. So I have the option to extend my warrantee from 36 months 36,000 miles to either 1. $1450...
I am not looking for hours... but to be able to run into the store or if we go camping overnight (for all of us).
Year of vehicle: 2012 Prius v Date Today: 5-25-12 Geographic Area: Western PA, steep hills, winding roads, four seasons Miles driven: 12,421...
Anyone do a vinyl wrap on their prius? How much do they normally cost? How do you design a graphic or color scheme? If the wrap goes over the...
I live in Pennsylvania. From November to March, I was averaging 39 mpg. That is what was in the Prius v data and my calculations through Gas Cubby...
Re: Prius V fuel mileage Over the winter, in hilly conditions and in the snow-- I averaged 39.8 mpg. I just went over 12,000 miles and I am...
Does anyone know if there is a third party or Toyota vendor that has a solar panel system for the Prius v? It is a long shot, but we will be going...
You can play everything via bluetooth even while tethered. You can switch between them. I have no siri issues at all. It works really well. The...
Let me know how it works for you. I have greyhounds too!!
Year of vehicle: 2012 Prius v Date: 3/17 Miles driven: 8900 Gallons Pumped: 204.83 Hand-Calculated MPG: 39.75 Displayed MPG: 39 Average...
I could not get to the dealer at 5,000 miles when the light went on…so I have scheduled for 10,000 miles (which should be next month). I can see...
Mine does it too.. But i thought it sounded more like a break squeek... It goes away once the wheel warm uo.
In the bottom well-just below the usb port, there is that little holding area. I cant thinknwhat that was for other than change.
If you want to use your USB to charge your phone and use your phone's screen to navigate music, video, or whatever, then get an external battery...
I have a similar but different squeek. My rear left tire area squeeks when I start driving in the morning when the car is cold. It goes away after...