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There is more then 1 Toyota dealer in CA however none have the one I'm looking for. And since hearing about the refresh I tried going now to get a...
I want a Prius with the solar roof, prefer white with one of the dark interiors but as of now color don't matter, and none of the dealers near me...
My local dealer will not allow me to order a 2011 he said I can only order the 2012 and he will not confirm nor deny if the it's really a refresh...
Well the previous owners of the house where I lived had Hopkins for RV's and so does my neighbors house he currently owned a Volt and uses his RV...
if toyota dose not do any of the rediculious changes to the curent model ill go for the prius but if they do then ill go for the volt, my commute...
LOL, its called multitasking and typeing through a cellphone :eek:
i have test driven both and like both, and i though it would be ok to ask a question about a volt, considering ive seen honda insight info and...
ive test drove both and like both but i just didnt want to buy premium gas but i might.
Tell you what you do, in CA the signs on the road say report drunk drivers call 911 so when someone drives like that, that is what i do. i know a...
:noidea: OK I searched a little and didn’t see anything; financially I will be able to put my down payment on a Prius February of next year....