Separate names with a comma.
Compressed air can be tricky. It's used to increase the efficiency of fuel-burning turbines (which makes it guilty by association for some people)...
NREL's working on that very idea. It's not big enough to solve the entire energy storage problem, but it's big enough to matter.
Peak energy use occurs after sundown. Good storage is an absolute necessity to making large-scale solar part of the US grid.
Yes, we should be more efficient with our food, but there's still not enough farmland on earth to feed 7 billion people with organic methods. If...
Gas, oil, and coal all have such excellent energy density that we're going to dig up and burn every ounce we can get to. It's an economic reality....
Organic does take more land and more water, to the point where there's not enough farmland on earth to feed all of us organically. There's a...
A couple of questions: 1, Are these compounds getting through municipal water systems and into tap water, or is it only affecting well water? 2,...
I'm perplexed that this thread has been up nearly twelve hours without a single unsubstantiated knee-jerk "nu-uh" post.
What surprised me was how much work went into reducing energy consumption as opposed to generation.
I thought people might be interested to see all the work that went into the world's most energy-efficient office building....
That's the new RSF building - it's not only where they're consolidating people from several smaller sites, it's also a giant working technology...
That's one way to look at it! It does make me glad to know that once OPEC's lies about its oil reserves catch up with it, we won't be caught with...
We certainly have the resources for full energy independence. We've got sunny areas bigger than most other whole nations in our southwest for...
I see Priuses pulled over more often than any other car here.
Subsidies for renewably-generated electricity are even higher. Solar PV without subsidies is 10 times more expensive than electricity from coal.
I'd rather that colleges mandated the foundation of understanding energy systems: enough physics to really understand the Law of Conservation of...
Columbus Blamed For Little Ice Age - Science News The initial explorations of the New World brought diseases that wiped out the majority of the...
The assumption that a meat-heavy diet is inherently unhealthy is simply wrong. The traditional Inuit diet is mostly animal protein and fat, and...
What I said was that it took 16 gallons' worth of energy to feed me for a day. The lamb was just the largest contributor. There was also a bunch...
It's the total energy input (feed calories + the energy it takes to run your livestock-raising operation) compared to the energy (calories) stored...