Separate names with a comma.
I went to a car accessory shop by the name of Car Toys in Seattle. They showed me three options for my Prius III ranging from a BU camera that...
Any recommendations on getting a backup camera installed on a III? I would like it to have it look and act like the factory installed unit on the...
I've got to give credit to my dealer who ordered a car exactly as I wanted it and somehow told the factory it was ordered and bought even though...
Got an e-mail that our Prius III may be here by Monday. That would make 8-9 weeks from order to delivery. Prius III with no accessories or...
Thanks tumbleweed. That and the link clear up a lot.
Waiting for my first Prius but I have a question: I charge my phone, iPad2 (with an inverter), camera battery and other devices often when...
I'm beginning to think it's not possible. Google doesn't return any results. I'll just have the dealer update me. 7.5 weeks and counting...
That's what I did--asked them to take off all the accessories that automatically and mysteriously showed up in the order!
I've not seen anyone else mention this, but I have dark tinting on another car and I often leave expensive camera equipment in the car while I...
For some reason the Prius III often seems to show up in this area with 1) Illuminated Door Sills ($279), 2) Rear Bumper Appliqué ($69) and 3)...
My dealer claims that our ordered Prius III is about to get VIN. How can I track it from factory to ship to port to my dealer? Thanks!
fruskybri, any update on when you are getting yours? I figure I'm 2 weeks behind you and am being driven crazy by the wait. It's been aost six...
Thanks--I'm more into making a practical decision regarding mud and snow (and cost) than caring about the cosmetics of the car so your advice was...
Yes, but when we do we would leave the Prius III in the garage.
The dealer says the factory confirmed the order so I started ordering a few accessories. Do mud flaps serve any purpose in protecting the finish...
Two weeks ago my dealer told me he had confirmation if our order by the factory. Anyone have a similar situation with a timetable scenario? Also,...
My father's gift to me was conveying his strong sense of independence and his work ethic. Although he could give me nothing financially, he gave...
The dealer assures us all they know is that the order was confirmed and they were assured we were getting it & that's all they know.
My dealer emailed me that the got confirmation from Toyota that their order was confirmed by Toyota and that they were 100% assured of getting our...