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Is there a way to expand the view on a 2008 GPS to more than a 300 foot radius? Thanks. Liz
Thank you. I will try that. Toyota says it as to be purchased from them but maybe not. Liz
Can I have a locksmith make a mechanical key? Toyota dealer told me that since mine is a laser key (smart key) it will cost $110 to get the little...
I live South of the Mason Dixon line. I drive a Prius. I am a great grandmother. Never had a problem with other drivers due to my vehicle. Just...
The rubber seal on left side underneath liftgate glass came off a couple of days ago. Looked at right side and none was there. I couldn't find...
Nice! BTW, how is the plate put on front of the Prius? Mine doesn't have a holes or a mounting bracket for a plate.
I was thinking a teardrop should weigh around 500 pounds +/-. I can't park our 5th wheel but for short trips the Prius and a teardrop should...
Can a small teardrop camper be towed with a 2008 Prius?
How is the plate mounted on the front?
Cabin filter was replaced at the last oil change about 4000 miles ago.
Mine is a sticky mess also. Bad in winter, much worse in summer especially last week when temps (not heat index) were 109 degrees.
I found ants in my 2008 Prius. My car is CLEAN ...... no food or drink left inside, not even crumbs. Yesterday I took our teacup Chihuahua to...
I'm hoping breeding season will be over soon and he will stop seeing my car as competition. Liz
I did use a BB gun to no avail. Don't want to kill him......he is beautiful and the neighbors don't shoot my guineas. Liz
Our neighbor's male peacock comes over, walks around and around my blue Pruis. I have to chase him away. Anyone else have this problem? How do I...
My spouse is on his 2nd Medtronic Pacemaker/defibrillator. His doctor says it's a non-issue. It will have to be within 12 inches for the...