Separate names with a comma.
Were you able to find directions to what to take apart to replace it? I also assume I could order a replacement screen directly from Toyota, not...
A 2011 Prius V with factory installed Radio/Navigation System. I think it is a 7" screen.
Thank you very much.
Any ideas on how to remove a small scratch on the radio/navigation display screen? Or how difficult is it to replace the screen? Thanks.
I have a 2011 Prius V with factory installed Satellite/Navigation and am receiving no signal on the sat radio. The connection seems fine on the...
I have a 2011 Five . Has all upgrades except no solar roof. Radio is factory installed with navigation.
Any suggestions on removing small scratch on the display screen? or how to remove and replace the screen? Thanks.
My sat radio says No Signal. Sirius checked it out and said everything was fine on their end. I checked the antenna and it is OK. I am thinking...
It is not so much the resolution as it is the graphics. That is the visual layout of the maps. As an example on mine (10.1) the indicator for...
Can you show a photo of the map screen? I have 10.1 and the graphics are pretty poor. Does not look anything like a Garmin or Tom Tom. Just...
I am in a similar situation. I have a 2011 Four with 2000 miles and am averaging 45 miles, mostly with speeds under 40. I did have one...
MacMaster05 So how did your installation go?
My dealer tinted all windows except the windshield, however he did put a tinted strip across the top of the windshield. This was 3M and was an...
It seems to work just fine but I thought it had to be mounted on the exterior of the car (to see the satellite) that is why I assume the small...
That clears it up. Thanks.
Are there two antenna's in this photo. The regular AM/FM antenna (stick) and the satellite antenna (small disk that is circled). Is the...
I checked with one of the suppliers of the Shark Fin antenna and ask how would the reception be for satellite radio using the Shark Fin. He...
I tried to reset my Trip Odometer after my first fill up and everything seem to stay the same. The instructions seem to say hold the Trip button...
Living in Orlando with the outside temp in the 90's I set the AC on auto at around 79. This usually gets be 2 or 3 bars on the AC fan indicator....
In the video that came with my new Prius it says if you have a pacemaker (the wife has one) not to stand near "the Smart Key Antenna". Is there...