Separate names with a comma.
Thanks for your perspective. Yes, I work at Disneyland.
Ah, a SoCal PC. I take Euclid 7 miles south to Disneyland everyday. No freeway until week-ends.
Commute is only 7 miles on streets. Freeway speeds are 60-65MPH.
I have the IV (or are they calling it the "4"?). First thning I checked was the tire inflation, but thanks.
Many thanks. I suspected as much, as I really have to concentrate on my pulse/glides so far and know they may not yet be optimum. I was looking to...
Have had my 2011 Prius all of 4 weeks. Followed PC for months before the purchase, practice pulse/glide regularly and have really change driving...
"Wait..."? Easy for you to say. You HAVE one. I''m anxious to get with the Prius program now that I can finally afford one. Would like to be able...
Thanks. I took a look a Clazzio. Do you have them or have actually seen them. Easy to install? Form fitting?
Thanks. I've got the luxury of time. Any idea what the process is as far as aftermarket leather? Who to go to, how much, etc.? Is everyone as...
Absolutely amazing the quick, quality responses you folks gave! Can't tell you how helpful they are. Interesting in the 'leather wrapped' seats...
Not much in the way of deals at the present. With current gas prices and delivery shortages from Japan as a result of the disaster, close to MSRP...
Hey all- I've been looking forward to owning a Prius for about 5 years, and finally have the $$ to do it. I'm about to buy, but want to make...