Separate names with a comma.
Just wanted to leave a quick note. I fianlly broke down and purchased extended warrenty from TROY..... What a great deal. $990 for zero...
Lifetime tires = free tires for life..... el-cheep-oh Thanks for all the input I did do a search on Induction and could not find a thread........
at 30,000 miles My dealer wants me to pay 99.95 for the induction system service and 59.95 for front end alignment or I will not be eligible for...
Just took mine to my dealer today, $20.00 I provided the Mobil 1 oil.... Your dealer is trying to rip you off.
There was a dot..... There was a God..... Whats the difference, the "Dot" theory has no scientific merit other than imagination. To you God has...
4 months ago I saw a petrified acorn...... Millons of years? Live acorns were discarded in the back of a work shop in a bucket of water. After...
Are you assuming that others are not scientist? I am quite certain that science and creation theory coexist well..... I am glad that no one...
You have almost changed my mind.... All you have to do is answer the final question, where did the matter come from in the first place? Answer...
Like I said, there was a dot, the size of a period on this page. It exploded.... Where is the proof for that theory? Observations are...
Everything started as a dot the size of a period on this page. After a few billion years the dot exploded. Out of the explosion came a primal...
The dealer I bought my Prius from called and wanted me to know that he had a new 2005 Blue Packag #6 Prius on the lot. Buyer backed out. Albany...
Malorn started as a newby, now 105 post later! That must be a record.....
Simple supply side economics.... Don't rule out the creativity of the American inventor. We can do anything we want! America will not end, we...
Have you checked out the Japanese content on so called American Made cars lately? I was an engineer for General Motors for 10.5 years. My last...
I have seen drafting comments before so I thought I would add this info and see if others have noticed the same thing. First off I define...
I do not have an EV switch. I was refering to the gold arrows only....
Finally greater than 60 MPG..... I have been feeling like an idiot, I have not been able to get better than 51 MPG. It was at 75 degrees today...
University of Missouri-Rolla Mechanical Engineering Michigan State University EMBA
I hate to say it but I don't expect any better from NBC. I spent the day driving many short hops in 97 degree weather and I averaged 52 MPG. Not...
I just downloaded the new Palm Treo 650 car kit and installed the phone. Upgrading the Palm took 20 minutes, getting the Prius to recognize the...