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Hello, I had an incompetent mechanic replace my AC converter, removing all the dash and when putting it back together, I now have this error code...
Thank you for the replies and advise! Any thoughts on replacing the AC evaporator, specifically DIY?
Should I invest or get another car? I have a 2008 Prius 6 with 215k miles. The car NEVER gave me any problems, but now I have two major ones. 1)...
Engine replacement? Sell as salvage? Full conversion? Where to get it fix without breaking the bank?
Need advise. 2008 Prius #6 now with 210k miles needs AC evaporator replacement & head gasket or valve work (burns oil).
OK, will do . Thanks again!
Thanks Patrick. This site is a paid site. Any way to get this safety precautions and tightening torque requirement elsewhere for...
Hello, About to replace seat beat (dog chewed original) and had two concerns: 1) Do I have to disconnect 12v battery (to avoid triggering...
Anyone have details or helpful information for someone interested in importing a new (zero miles) Prius from USA to Brazil. Links to govt....