Separate names with a comma.
The options menu, Pause guidance is only option, not suspend. That's what appears when I go there. Is ther another option?
How do you cancel a trip routing while it is active without deleting the destination? I have not found hw in the navigation manual.
Thank you! Got it to display.
Finally received my Prius 4 a few days ago.. I cannot find the way to get the power mode curve to display on the screen. Does anyone know how to...
Received mine today. Be aware you get bezels only. I thought fake lenses came with them. Duh!!. Very misleading to me. My car is coming next week.
I have been watching quite a few U-tube videos and found that Prius 4 touring are equipped differently depending what country it is bought at. One...
Found out today, that my Priu4 is on the ship and will reach the port on June 15. Then I imagine it will reach the dealer by July 1st. Can't wait!!
Looks fantastic! I have a red 4 on order with PCP + ATP. Thinking about upgrade to 17" wheels. Will be watching your posts on MPG results.
I would have liked having the ATP on the 4 touring. Don't know why Toyota doesn't allow this. There must be a reason.
Thank you guys for the HUD info. So I promptly went back and reordered a Four which allowed me to get both tech packages ATP & PCP, I think I...
Question: On the four touring, is "Heads Up Display included in the Premium Convenience Package? I can't find where it is in the Prius brochure....
After reading all the excellent reviews of the new Prius, I just ordered a Four Touring. Of course I went for the Hypersonic red which by the way...
Brake reservoir fluid low. Took three trips to dealer to resolve issue. Replaced tandem master cylinder assembly. This was a big bucks...
When switching on the outside air intake and also depressing the front windsheild switch, I experience the air from the vents to be unusally cold....
Will a plugged in ipod to the USB port run down the battery if the car is parked overnight or for a few days??? Just wondering because in my other...
I have been driving my new 2010 black Prius since the first of the year. So far I have clocked over 3500 miles and averaged 47.0 mpg. This is...