Separate names with a comma.
Or the weather: filled my tank today (18F) and got a measley CALCULATED 42+ mpg........temps have been in 20s or less on this tank. OTOH, out...
I use only the so-called PWR mode as I found, for me, that my average mileage DIPPED @ 1.5mpg in ECO. Stepping into what felt like a "wet sponge"...
The "styling" of the Gen III verges, like most Toyotas, on being "overworked, but underdone" as my best Instructor at Art Center College of Design...
I drive my Prius in "PWR" mode always and stay with or slightly exceed traffic speed. I will not impede traffic to play games to obtain higher mpg...
Those poor poor folks out in California; yup...I feel a TEAR!!! :D Got back last night from a 660 mile round trip-mostly hi speed freeway...
Only 700 sum miles on my '10, but as temps have dropped (into 20sF) I have heard the occassional squeak/rattle. Given the COMPLEXITY of an IP...
I forgot to mention that I prefer a cloth covered seat in lieu of "leather". A good body cloth tends to be more comfortable, in temperature...
Different folks reaction to the same thing is always interesting. I'm 6'2", 210# and it was BECAUSE of the adjustable lumbar that is in these...
With air temps dropping (lo 20sF this a.m. ) my mileage is going down, too...upper 40s average now versus lo to mid 50s when in 50-60F range on my...
Given those nasty old things called PHYSICS, the small Prius, IMhO, does pretty good. Face it, with so many Americans still in love with HUGE...
I must say, even more reasons I'm glad to be LONG GONE from LA! Around here (N. Indiana) a Prius Gen III model II was going for a bit under $22K a...
The "cup holders" in a Prius DON'T hold least not my simple coffee cups with handles. Also agree about lack of coin storage-Accord had...
A horn that people can actually HEAR! My 196X Honda Cub 50's horn is as "good"! Hi-Lo heated seats with ERGONOMICALLY sound (location) on/off...
On my EXTENDED test drive last weekend (almost 240 miles), I put in @ 1/2 tank of the brand of gas I normally run. I drove the car @ 50-50...
This has happened to me on numerous occassions in various vehicles I've owned, even motorcycles in heavy traffic. In the Prius it is VERY...
Sounds like my wife (aptly termed-olMM old Motor Mouth, as in talks and talks...); anyhow in her '09 Chevy DOHC 4 Malibu LT with 6 speed AT....she...
No doubt about being for emergency use, and hopefully it is a very SLOW emergency! However, emergency or not...still POOR ERGONOMICS to put it...
Back (pardon the ALMOST pun) to the inside opening of the rear hatch: I found the illustration in my owner's manual, but still couldn't tell WHERE...
Thanks! That is what I finally THOUGHT was happening. The salesman did his followup call this morning and said the same thing. Just not used to...
Perhaps too easy! I'm having trouble keeping it LOCKED after opening it, as unlike any other car I've had-it does NOT self lock upon closing. If...