Separate names with a comma.
Did you ever find the root cause? My 2010 does the same thing, quiescent current about 1A drains a fully charged battery in 3 days.
I have OEM Prius 12V battery in very good condition, removed from 2007 gen2 Prius. I have no use for it, so make your best offer and pick it up...
Controller talks to Prius ECU via CANbus and spoofs SOC data, maximizing use of electric drivetrain. Plugin and OEM batteries are not always...
First off, Plugin Supply is actual vendor of this kit, while Plugin Solution seems to have stolen their Web site and possibly their design. I...
At that point you are getting close to PIS kit cost, which completely removes the DC-DC problems, has even larger 10kWh battery, "whispers" to...
My guess is that DC output has huge ripples and poor power factor, but your meter is not measuring it. Does your meter have RMS function in DC...
Hmm, well, my hat goes off to whoever designed such cheap and universal DC booster with such wide operating range. I doubt we can find off the...
Do you have any links or references where Enginer DC booster is used for 400V packs? I find it hard to believe, especially since Enginer is not...
Sorry, I thought we were talking about Enginer DC booster, which is made for Prius and goes 48V-240V. You said same model DC booster goes up to...
No particular strategy, just pair them in parallel and they will equalize themselves. No need to do any selection, assuming all cells are the same...
That's right, there is nothing special. Once you connect 2 or 3 or N number of cells in parallel, they become one "cell" for all intends and...
Re: Enginer Plan B and more information as requested Nah, it doesn't matter, its all about cost. Its cheaper to manage 16 cells than 76, since...
Re: Enginer Plan B and more information as requested That depends on your definition of a cell. Enginer kit has 48V nominal pack, which...
Oh boy, this is exactly why I don't post in this forum, since people like mrbigh think their post count equals their knowledge and that gives them...
I seriously doubt you can get 5kW inverter for $200. Perhaps 500Watt unit, but not 5000Watt unit. Also, its not ideal to use rectified AC for PHEV...
48V-240V 5kW DC booster is the heart of Enginer kit, you don't just stumble on such device elsewhere, its custom designed for the job. Without DC...
Its a niche market, filled by small companies employing very talanted and experienced engineers, selling less than 500 kits per year. You want...
Lots of wishful thinking in this thread, remember, you get what you pay for. Here is why: 1. Calcars method requires that addon battery is the...
Hi all, first post on this forum! Yesterday I became a new proud owner of 2007 Prius. The car is like new, 40k miles, everything seems toi be...