Separate names with a comma.
Dr Prius will show bad battery package? how it will show?
any suggestion for phone app to check condition of hv battery modules and also to detect which battery pack going bad if any?
How do you recognize which battery pack is bad? Any suggested phone apps?
I just purchased used 2013 prius plug-in about a month ago. Car running well until yesterday after I press power button to start the car, then...
Is that possible to get internet via iPhone bluetooth DUN/PAN on iOS 16 ? Setting needs account, password and APN, and I don't know where to get this?
Is there any easy way instruction how to connect cigarette socket to aux battery? I want to plugin battery tender to cigarette socket to trickle...
Do you know what size is this power outlet wire and green wire in the fuse panel? I plan to make jumper wire by myself by using quick splice connector
may i know where you connect this cable? directly to aux battery behind the trunk?
did you make jumper cable by yourself or you purchased somewhere? if purchased, will you let me know where you purchased?
how you fix the sub steadily to the base? did you drill it for screwing o the body?
Hmm ... maybe I should change my mind to install sub under passenger seat. Does anybody have picture of BOSS-600 installed under passenger seat?...
will it be possible to share instruction manual for installation?
does anyone can post instruction manual to install lockpick blue or ultimate lockpick?
@KK6PD : your boss audio BASS-600 input is connected to high input (speaker) or low input coax cable?
I'm thinking to install Boss BASS-600 in hidden cargo compartment in the rear above spare tire location. Will this fit nicely and can produce good...
Do you have picture for steering boots, sway bar joints and strut boots? Sorry I'm new to DIY and need more information how to locate those parts