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Thanks for the info. On my last tank of gas I turned the auto a/c mode off after a few minutes and turned the fan down to two or three bars and...
I suggested the same thing, to my husband, about the leather. He want a III or a IV with nav. I think he is just going to end up with a new one....
I am going to give the AC tip a try. Do you think the humidity has anything to do with MPG in the summer? The actual temp here is about 95, but...
Speaking of cruise control. How many mile should the car have on it before I engage the cruise control?
Thanks Mike:cheer2: I'll try this today:)
Well, my quest for the Prius started about 4 years ago. I looked at buying a Prius in 2006, but my then boyfriend (now husband) talked me out of...
I bought a Prius III + Nav about 3 weeks ago. Now, my husband wants to buy a used 2010 with nav and leather seats. We are in the southeast,...
I am driving hills frequently and I onlu get about 45mpg. I drove a lexus before the prius and I have to admit that changing my driving style has...
My average trip is between 15-30 miles.
Storm (aka my Prius)
You are correct about the steep hills. I have found that if I stick to the interstate I get better fuel economy than I do on surface streets...
I live in Central Alabama and it has been at least 95 degrees with a heat index of over 100F every day since I purchased my Prius III + Nav. My...
Do you drive primarily on the interstate or surface streets? I have had my Prius for 2 weeks to day and have about 1300 miles on it, but my...