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Hypermiling in Miami - Dade means risking serious injury or even DEATH ! ! ! !
My windows are tinted very dark - for many years. Prius owners have a deep disdain for any large vehicle with a big engine that creates high HP....
Thank you all for responding ....
Which Forum is that ... ? Please .... Thanks
Same Question Posted on Hummer Forum: Toyota Prius vs Hummer H3 ? ( Yea, a serious question ... ) - Hummer Forums - Enthusiast Forum for Hummer Owners
Good points Cwerdna. Thanks for your opinion. Maybe I should play it safe and stay with the Tried and Trued Prius ... She starts every time, never...
Unfortunately, it's about feeling safe and secure. I have 2 buddies that drive Black H3 Alpha Hummers, and they never get hassled. Bums at...
I forgot to add that So. Florida is Hit & Run Capital of the world. And because of the high influx of immigrants, and many people don't have auto...
I understand and realize asking this question on a Prius dominated Forum is like asking for what I get ..... Well, here I go anyway. How many of...
Thanks in Advance.
Thanks. I'm 5'10'. With the passenger seat all the way forward, and passenger seat lumbar and upper back of the seat pushed all the forward, I...
Hello Everyone: I know this topic was beat to death before, however, since it's been a while I thought I would start a new Thread about the...
Anyone ... ?
kstephens - I have only one Bike, a Trek FX. The Bad Boy 1 ... Maybe in the future. That said, I only transport one Bike. One very good think...
I recall being the OP here. I still have my Thule Roof Rack and still thinking about the 1UP. The only issue I have ( 1 UP ) is if you get rear...
This is by far the worst, most pathetic online Forum I've ever seen. Danny is about as worthless as his CDM and Tony, maybe the most selfish...
I think I'll just give these beautiful 100% Sheepskins to my neighbor than try to sell here .... His Cats need a comfy Bed.
2006 Toyota Pruis 100% Sheepskin Seat Covers. Brand New. Bought from Rocky Mountain. I think I paid over $300.00 + shipping. First $250.00...
Whoever is interested in my brand new Sheepkins at a huge discount - shoot me a pm with your email. And please, no Tightwads !!!
You guys scare the living bejesus out of me.... :eek: .... and if I counted every cheap MoFo on PriusChat, I'd be a Gazzilionaire by now !!! :o