Separate names with a comma.
Try pressing the button once and pairing. When you press the button, have your phone set to search or listen for device.
The Blu-Logic is much better than the Bluetooth on the Pruis IV. I had a Pruis II with Blu-Logic for a month and traded for a Pruis IV with...
I have a Pruis IV with nav. Every time I get in the car the bluetooth starts playing my saved messages form visual voice mail. I have the BB...
I have owned the II and IV in the last month. I think the extra $1000 is worth the upgraded stereo system and the two extra speakers. I don't...
I purchased a Prius yesterday and got free the 2 year/25,000. The dealer also give my 3 years free oil changes.
In March, I purchased a new 2010 Prius II with bluetooth. I loved the car so much I traded in for a new 2010 IV with solar roof. I LOVE it. The...