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Hi! Could anyone link me to replacement wheel cover options for my 2012 Prius C? 3 out of 4 covers have fallen off mine. Thank you!
I'll pay more attention in the future when it happens to see if it's always in the same spots and where exactly they are. But my keys this time...
Update: my husband retrieved my keys, and my smart key is working fine. There are no low battery warnings when the Prius starts up. He pointed...
Oh, duh. I was thinking car battery, not key battery. I don't think well under pressure. The key battery's being low seems like the most...
On second thought...if the battery ran down whilst the keys were inside, wouldn't the car still have remained unlocked?
I can see the keys (and smart key on fob) in the back seat. I can't see what could be interfering with the signal (it's somewhat close to a car...
Yeah, that's what I thought, too, so I'm very confused. I thought I'd be able to walk up to the car and open the doors right now, but that's not...
Help! I'm an idiot. I left my keys in the car last night and then my husband locked the car with his smart key. Is there a way to get my keys...
I've gotten a few quotes to see just how much cheaper non-CA ones are, but I don't think I could bring myself to use an out-of-state quote as a...
Prius 07, I guess I was hoping for some sort of magic answer here to my complicated concern, and your post makes much sense. On your...
Thanks for your replies! pingnak, I already own a [very old] Toyota, so I can get the maintenance deal. Yay! The quote I got on my Prius is...
Hello, everyone! I've been e-mailing various dealers in the SoCal area for the best price on a new 2010 Prius II. So far, my best offer has been...