Separate names with a comma.
Income, gender and other details are relevant, as they show who the target audience of an advertising campaign should be. It's not like I asked...
Re: Please help me with research for my advertising class: Haha... no I am definitely a student. The...
Thank y'all for your suggestions. I'm new at creating surveys and research methods for campaigns, so I apologize for the kinks in it. I will...
Re: Please help me with research for my advertising class: I definitely would have... but since I'm a new...
What was your primary reason for purchasing a Prius? And why do the numbers you listed not fit in the survey? I apologize for not being...
Please help me with research for my advertising class: Hi Prius owners! I am a student at Texas State...
Hi Prius owners! I am a student at Texas State University currently doing research on the Toyota Prius for an advertising campaign project. I...