Separate names with a comma.
PS - Dang, typo'd the title, and cannot seem to edit it. sorry.
I needed to replace the passenger side mirror on my 2007 Prius. After doing a general intertoob search, including threads here, I thought I had a...
I went through the same thing not long ago, and it seems not so much a hardware problem as soft(as in the head)ware. Having gone through years...
A friend's brother owned three car washes, and on his advice no one in the family used them.
Check under the bumper, there's rather flimsy bits that can get dislodged when they get hung up while parking against a curb?stop. Could also be...
Greetings all - Picked up a 2007 refrigerator white last year that's bleeding from the door handles and mirrors. Ever since it's started raining,...
One of the first things added to our '07 was front side window deflectors, which made a big difference when driving with the front windows down....
Got the letter from the dealer regarding my '07 yesterday , and have until November 2013 to have it done. They probably break the announcements up...
The WSJ was purchased by the same guy who owns the Fox conglomerate, as well as a raft of tabloid type 'news' outlets worldwide. He is Rupert...
I moved to SoCal to go to school in '69. My dad lived in the San Gabriel valley and the LA mountains were less than 10 miles away. Most days you...
Looks like a takeoff of Bucky Fuller's Dymaxion car of '33. The Citroen DS series, launched in '55, had a DC of .31. It was also front wheel...
The rear seat bottom on my '07 just popped off. Takes a bit of yanking, but wan't too difficult. Just held in place by plastic clips.
Sounds like a CV joint. Had a Honda Civic Wagon that started making horrible noises and acting strange about two years ago. My first FWD car(other...
I picked up the $160 Clear Bra full kit from the folks on ebay. Will report on results after I get it installed. Not sure when that will be as the...
Looks like a Japanese 'Yellow Plate' car. They have a registration scheme, signified by a yellow license plate, for small cars with limited...
The existing mounting points have captured nuts, so all that's needed are machine screws. If in an area where plates are commonly pilfered,...
The problem may be condensation as well as moisture intrusion. The only solution is a hermetically sealed camera and a camera designed for outdoor...
Panasonic acquired Sanyo late last year. Probably for their battery technology.
One of the side effects of the elimination of the wind wing. They did work, but went the way of the Dodo. Put on a set of side window deflectors...
If tying into the original horn harness, it's already on a relay. No need for another. If you really want a difference, try the Fiamm compact...