Separate names with a comma.
In some other posts, people have posted increased MPG using Chevron and Shell brands. I am giving it a trial run. See if there is any...
I had read in the Gen II forum the articles in regards to this. What is everyones experience with MPG and gas brand in the 2010? I have only...
It's too bad it doesn't have a "Gallons Used" meter. That would be useful in gauging the tank.
A few days ago, I decided to "top off" my tank as suggested by some in previous posts. When the range reset in the computer, it said I could...
Well, my fuel bar started blinking tonight right at 22 gallons left like ya'll said. :) It works! We'll see how many gallons it takes tomorrow...
Yup. In CA, 23123(a) VC outlaws cell phone usage. It's a dumb ticket, but a needed one.
I see what too many teens involved in car accidents that could have been avoided with more experience. As far as I am concerened, all the more...
Hey there Everyone, Attached is a flyer distributed to us at work. I figured I'd pass it along here for those of you that live in Southern CA...
Classic's never die. :rockon:
As I read in some other threads, it is advisable to "top-off" the tank? My first full-up only took about 9 gallons. My MPG seems to be way down...
Good Day Everyone, I picked up my Prius on 3/1/10. So far, love it! I am saving a LOT of money from my '07 Chevy Tahoe I traded in. Fill up...
I am in Los Angeles County and today I have seen between $2.91/gal to $3.05/gal for 87. I fulled up this past Sunday and paid about $28 for about...
Au-Toe, I like to use mine in EV mode while going between holes at the Golf Course in Glendora. ;) j/k! Parking lots are about it. Word to...
Malibu, I bought mine on March 1st, 2010. Love it and got a great deal!
Blizzard, I drive the 605 and 210 daily. If I ever see you, I'll wave and let you go by. :) lol
Penny, I have noticed a stiff suspension as well. I previously was driving my 07 Chevy Tahoe and now driving this I am a bit on edge. In a good...
Did anyone make any progress with this? I just purchased my Prius this evening and besides the scary HAL 2000 like actions of the recognition of...