Separate names with a comma.
Yes, it's a salvaged part. I can't get a photo of its attachment points just now; they look OK. Notice on the axle beam the concave area that...
How about aftermarket adjustable rear camber...
I have read recommendations from knowledgeable car owners that for the alignment to be within specs. is not good enough. What alignment...
Does anyone disagree w/valde3 (above)? Should I have aftermarket rear adjustable camber links (if there be such a thing for this car) installed...
Thank you, valde3. I have seen online recommendations from knowledgeable car owners that for the alignment to be within specs. is insufficient....
Here's the fuller story and questions that I have based upon my readings on the subject. Recently, my son sideswiped a storm drain that sticks...
Hey all, does anyone out there know of any advice from Toyota?
What has Toyota suggested for such cars whose rear toe is out of line?
Was the '05 Prius manufactured with shims in place, or were shims emplaced as needed in the factory, in order to align properly the rear wheels,...
Recently, I programmed a new key fob. It has, now, full SKS function with one possible exception: it won't start the car when it's in the slot....
I just got around to trying the proper chicken dance. Thanks, JC. The new fob does its SKS functions now. However, it won't start the car when...
I have SKS. Is it necessary to have the programming mode light go on? Were you able to do full programming on that twentieth new fob? Please...
Can the new fob be programmed without the slot? Maybe, if I'd try that, the programming light would go on. How may I do it that way? Is it...
Can the new fob be programmed without the slot? Maybe, if I'd try that, the programming light would go on. How may I do it that way?
I have tried it a number of times . The programming mode light never goes on and the blinking red light never goes off. Suggestion? What is SM-N900P?
Only one (or two) is (are) registered.
When I start the chicken dance on my '05, I find that my car won't go into programming mode. Please advise!
Please call me with an email address as I would like to send a private message to you. Thanks. 718.405.8183.