Separate names with a comma.
Yes, there is a dial towards the left of the steering wheel, mounted on the dashboard. It is a small dial that rolls up and down. If you push it...
This is a great post for me because I haul stuff in my Prius all the time. I am the lead singer in a local band here in South Florida, and I haul...
Wow, the dealer told me to get an oil change after 3500 miles. They must not know anything about the Prius or something. Hmmm... I did it anyway,...
I love making movies as a hobby/ All of my work is displayed at my website which is linked below The CSP Section...
My plastic door panels rattle all of the time when I have music on or drive on uneven pavement. My center speaker also vibrates, when I get back...
Really? FULL SAIL DOES SUCK??? I heard it did.
Nice! I like it. Keep the ideas coming people! That idea could go something like this.. "In fact, the Prius is so silent when the ICE isn't on...
Oh also... I have a PACKAGE 9 Prius, So I will be able to basically display any feature of the car!
Here's the thread on my upcoming Prius film.... There you can go and comment and...
Hey you guys! I am making a new video about the 2004 Prius. It will be a video that all prospecting Prius owners (or people in the market for a...
Thanx, I will stay around Priuschat! As a matter of fact I just bought my new DvX100a prosumer video camera and it is just amazing. Thanks to this...
THANKS! FINALLY!!! I finally get a correct response. See, all someone had to do is explain it. NOW I see why this is wrong. You are right, i...
Listen guys... I may just be an almost 17 year old teen, but everyone here already knows that I am not your "average" kid. People my age race...
NO NO NO..... you gusy DONT UNDERSTAND! I would never do something crazy and rude like this, and let everyone else wait a long time. I told...
I mean c'mon... it's not really that crazy to put a #1 spot for a Prius on eBay when u have a bunch of people calling from around the country who...
They do refund the deposit, but since it is now a spot that is at number one I decided to put it up for grabs to any new Prius buyer!
It's not a scam... its jut that I had a deposit down at 2 dealers and one got the prius before the other, and now I still have a spot on the...
Re: your thoughts HEY! I am a teen and I bought a PRIUS! Hah, no but seriously... I understand what you mean. Alll the dumb kids my age want...
Hey everyone. I am sure everyone waiting for a Prius is dying about the wait. Well, now you can get yours within weeks, just follow this link:...