Separate names with a comma.
Other than during cold winter weather, our 2+ year old Prius has been averaging 51-56mpg all around. Our tires needed changing and my spouse went...
In other than the cold weather months, we've been averaging about 53mpg all around. Original set of tires started wearing out and we replaced them...
Searched for what an EBH is and couldn't locate. Can someone explain what it his and how it works? Edit: Sorry, found it on Google. How handy do...
Got the Prius in late March 2010 and have been averaging in the mid to low 50's MPGs. About 6 weeks ago, in October (upstate NY), averaging high...
Thanks for the comprensive, and helpful advice. The Toyota dealer told me that its a special synthetic oil that they install. Can I just go to my...
Following some advice I'd rec'd here, took the new Prius to the dealer this morning to get an ahead-of-time oil change at 2,200 miles. I like the...
I'll hit 1k miles tomorrow. Quick question, good idea to do a 1k oil change as I've done on all my other new cars at 1,000 miles and what type of...
Actually, how do you adjust the headrest up and down? Mine is too high. Thanks.
Nearing 200 miles on the new Prius. My daughter mentioned this to me - the armrest is a fabric and she wondered how it would look from...
Do many people put in synthetic oil? I'm unused to long intervals between oil changes so I'll either change oil more frequently than the owners...
The Volt is an interesting idea. I read that Chevy plans to sell them in the mid $40ks. Even if the government provided a large tax break, a $45K...
I'm a hiker and often driving through the mountains every week. The 'B' function should be very useful, making up for the extra gasoline used...
Drove the new car around doing errands yesterday and averaged 53.8mpg, being careful and not stomping on the accelerator. Spend last evening...
Picking up my first 2010 Prius on Thursday. Thanks to all the good advice I've read hear. Is there anything I should be having the dealer do...
Anyone purchase an aftermarket cargo mat that covers the back seats and cargo area when the seats are down? Primarily to keep a mess off the seats...
Pretty happy that my dealer and I came to agreement on a level 2 and delivered sometime in the next 2 weeks. Is there anything else I should be...
Thanks for all the assistance and great information here. In spite of some concerns about the recalls and bad publicity, I ordered my Prius and...
Finally got my mind around some of the recent publicity re the Prius. I have this deal ready if I want to put down a deposit: Silver Level 2: 3...
Am I ever torn on this question. I've had my heart set on a 2010, but even the Level 2 will be the most we've ever spent on a new car. The...
Pretty new around here and didn't know the difference? Does that mean the remote key works on 3 not 2 or 1 different places on the Prius?