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Go *at least* the speed limit and this won't happen. /thread.
my first comment on this whole thing. i experienced this problem for the first time last night. noticed the systems switching while slowing...
Wrong. the steering (and handling) in the V is markedly better. one of the major reasons i bought it over the IV.
worst. story. evaaar... does that pass for road rage in Canada?!? sheeeeeyit... you need to commute one day in the DC area, my man.
My Prius V doesn't rattle. I was really afraid it would, but it doesn't. occasional creaks over big bumps, but no rattles. I am very...
- side mirrors that automatically point down when car is put in reverse - auto headlamps
I'm in the exact same boat. We have an 08 MDX that we love to death. We also had a BMW 328. Lease ended on that, and I'm now in a Prius V....
I am completely enamored.
no ruined evening, my friend. same website got 75mpg from the 2010 Prius. :cool: Gets 75.3 MPG in 2010 Toyota Prius | Hybrid Cars
jesus christ that was a long story.
mmmmmmkay..... :bored:
Oh give me a break. First of all, traveling the speed limit, you ARE holding up traffic!!! Now, if no one is behind you, go ahead. Drive 20 in...
black, rubber ones
okay, here's my review. I am an auto enthusiast since childhood. I'm the kid who hung posters of Ferrari's and Lamborghini's in his room....
It has nothing to do with the Prius. It has to do with Prius drivers driving exceedingly slow. If there are two lanes, be SURE you are in...
i love the blue. why everybody gotta hate?!?
I just brought home my V w/ AT two days ago (Wednesday). I paid $32,250. i love this car so much. i just want to keep driving it. :D
wow... so far, 70% have creaks/rattles. this "rattles" me, pre-purchase. :-/
well, everyone is entitled to their option. but I disagree on almost all counts.