Separate names with a comma.
Only one sure way to increase the volume of the turn signals: hearing aids. That's what I use.
I received mine on March 6 in Little Rock.
My granddaughter got a Touch for Christmas, and she loves it. I'll defer to her judgment, lol.
Re: Some 2010 Toyota Vehicle Oil Change Intervals Officially Revised To 10000 miles/1 year (verified I had my first oil change this week and was...
You should consider a possible downside of driving too close behind trucks: you may get a cracked windshield.
I don't know what's in it. It's my junk drawer.
Way back in the day, so to speak, VW drivers had a lot of camaraderie that I really enjoyed. I was part of that for a long time.
My answer is No. I always have at least one empty bar at the top.
I agree with several posts here about changing oil at 5,000 miles. I had my first oil change today at about 4,600 miles. The car had been nagging...
13 - Willie's Place
I have 4,450 miles on my Prius since late July. Most of those miles are city miles. The first oil change is coming up soon. Driving is what it's for.
I have never seen my battery fully charged, i.e., with a bar showing at the top.
A shopping cart attacked my Honda Accord a couple of years ago in a Kroger parking lot. $500 in damages.
Channel 13, Willie's Place
I'm thinking strongly about going with TracFone. I like the idea of no contract.
Lower it? It's too low already. I scraped the bottom going into a driveway a few days ago.
I had this same warning at about the time of our first cold snap. I took the car to the dealer and they said the pressure had dropped to about 28...
Retired college history professor
I have experienced the brake grabbing problem on more than one occasion. When it happened yesterday I was backing out of a parking space where I...
Just last night I pulled on to the interstate and had to move quickly to the far left lane because I had a turn coming up in about 2 miles. A big...