Separate names with a comma.
I test the distance today it is 50 meters. And when i went to the car it was cool enough. The temperature here in Athens today was 37oC. I use...
The fix is working in low speeds but if you are going more than 40Km/h it is like the old time.
My dealer have done mine without any charges in 5 minutes.
mia xara gia to taxi lew oxi gia to laptop. Egw exw 9600 kai den xortenw na to odhgaw......
I always like the new technology i had heard about the prius from 2004, but i didn't like the interior and the small engine. Last Summer i saw the...
Not very often. Only when i want to bypass someone.
No you have to start the engine.
I thought that we had those thinks only here in Greece ............ Here they put in a street new asphalt and after 2 or maximum 3 days they are...
The first thing that i did when i took my new baby was to put out the ugly wheels covers. And i bought these from the Toyota dealer for 60,00€.
I don't know anything about the weight or the aerodynamic thinks that you said here. But here in Greece we have very hot climate and it is very...
Απο τότε που το πήρες χάθηκες τι έγινε;
Πού είναι η φωτό;
Καλημέρα, Αν κατάλαβα καλά το πέρνεις σήμερα. Καλορίζικο και καλοτάξιδο. Η κατανάλωση είναι για μέσα στην Αθήνα με πολύ κέντρο 5lt/100Km. Ταξίδι...
Τι έγινε δεν το πήρες ακόμα;
paei h 1 bfomada alli 1 emeine.......
Εσύ τι Prius έχεις παραγγείλει; και πότε έρχετε;
Όχι δεν ξέρω κανένα. Υπάρχει ένα site :: ????????? έχω κάνει αίτηση για να γίνω μέλος εδώ και 2 μήνες και δεν μου έχει απαντήσει...
Είναι φανταστικό αν και το έχω λίγο γιατί την 2η μέρα που το πήρα ένας λαλάκας με τράκαρε και το είχα 2 βδομάδες να μου αλλάξουνε το πίσω...
Here is my pictures of HUD.
Here is the first pictures of my new BABY..................... The version is Exclusive (LED headlamps with washers, and foglamps, HUD(Head Up...