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2012 Canadian Price are out! Base: 25 995 was Premium with sunroof :29 245 Touring: 29 550 Tech package: 34 080 No more premium model without...
if you want sell the rim only and ship them, im interested!
congrat it look great love the upgrade inside!
how much just for the set of wheel only?
Well just came back from Montreal Car Autoshow, and the 2 Prius that was there were even not 2012 model! How disapointing from Toyota!
I will believe they drop the price by 2000$ when i will actually read its confirm from Toyota Canada.....
If you Pay thé car cash I would say get a 2011, at the end after 10 year you would have save money and the car won't worth 3000$ in 10 years...
Well just sold my prius gen3 last week to get the Ct! Love the space in the car but I'm alone and the jumpy suspension and plastic inside made me...
I uses it just to move in parking or while I wait at a drive true!
I wish the public opinion about the Prius would be like your!
Wow I have my Prius for 15 months now but drove it only 3 months ( january feb and march ) because i work in Germany! And now i really miss my...
Nice to see that they now have that screen! So no more backup camera in the rearview mirror! But im still curious to see what will be the price of...
Good choice! I'm really looking into selling my Prius even if I love forte Lexus! We already have a 2012 Camry in the family but will go for a...
Hummmmm i wanted silver first and then changed my mind for blue, nebula grey or white but i still think after those picture that silver is...
I was driving a Mitsu Evolution X GSR 2008! But with my job im doing a lot of driving from ice rink to ice rink and it was getting such a waste of...
you sold your 2 Prius?
Welcome! One year ago i sold my lovely EVo GSR 2008 for a Prius, big move but with my job my monthly bills of gas were too much! I love my Prius!
I dont think they will lower the price.........they just add more equipment on the 2012 ( ex Touring come now with leather, heater seat,...
Yeah i love my Prius edition Touring here in Canada, but i want to make the move to the Lexus! Im single and still young, im planning to get the...
I got dark grey but i like mystey grey better, but here in Canada not available anymore i think! But for 2012, i think if they dont change the...