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Hiya Any help needed and ill be glad to assist ;) Im not too far from Maidstone.. originally from London though ;) Ann Marie
my 04 had a clackerty noise on start up, it ended up being the water pump bearings gone.. had to get it replaced... get it checked just in case...
So sorry to see whats happened to your Prius!!! Thats my nightmare!!! Its good that your ok though... I hope you manage to get your insurance...
This one of the reasons I have a Prius!!
Unfortunately no it didnt work, as the 2010 Prius sat/nav/phone is quite different setting wise to the gen II. The only way I was able to...
Hiya I am also a 'new' Prius owner, although my Prius is a 2004, I have only had her about 2 months.. Its taken a while to get used to driving...
I hope so!! I havn't bought it yet, but I gave them my registration number and said I needed a 12v battery... they said they have them in stock...
Aaah now the snowflake on the road sign is one i know! :cheer2: Its basically telling you its cold outside... If the outside temp is below 3...
OK, just done the self test, and the voltage is showing 9.9.. so looks like I need a new battery. It wouldnt do second stage of test though, as...
Richard thank you Am going to try this right now. Ann Marie :rolleyes:
Hi Boppo Thanks for that.. I had a look at the optima yellow top and its £166 here in the UK... would the Toyota one be the same sort of price?...
Ive only had the car a couple of months so am not sure if its the original battery or not. Will price up a new battery :)
I have noticed that sometimes (not all the time) when I start my 2004 Prius the red triangle warning light comes on (master warning light?) it...
My Prius was making a knocking/tapping/grinding noise when turning... it ended up being the CV joints needed replacing, this was at 91000 miles...
Glad you are enjoying the ride!! I wil reply prop on the UK group thread. see ya there! ;) A.M
Hi Can you manually input phone numbers/names into the cars phonebook? My G1 phone does not support phonebook transfer, either multiple or...
Not sure how they recondition them, but it can be done, mine were taken off the car, sent off, reconditioned, sent back and put back on car... its...
I finally have my car back on the road and running again!! Had to get the CV joints reconditioned... ended up costing £300... Am very happy to...
Hello Darren I am also a UK Prius owner (a new one too!) I have a 2004 T spirit, which although doesnt have the parking camara, it does have the...